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Privacy Policy

At Sentient, we take data privacy seriously. This privacy policy describes the nature of the data Sentient collects and what we do to ascertain that we follow EU legislation.


Experience in data governance

Sentient is a dedicated team of highly skilled data specialists. For over 25 years, Sentient has developed state of the art data mining products and solutions for clients and partners in industry and academia always adhering to strict data privacy and sharing standards.


Sentient has experience in storing and processing de-identified personal data collected by third parties both on our own facilities, but also on client sites.


Sentient believes in developing and maintaining long standing relationships with clients, the most notable being the Dutch Police.


Sentient develops case-by-case data sharing protocols for each client and business case it encounters. Sentient carefully honors third party informed consent agreements and its own protocols. Furthermore, despite being an organization of fewer than 250 people, Sentient has a Privacy Officer in place dedicated to maintaining our GDPR compliance.


Does Sentient share the data It receives?

Sentient follows case-by-case client/partner specific policies with respect to which parties can view, access, and analyze the data. In many cases, Sentient analyses sensitive data at the data owner’s site so as to eliminate breaches of sensitive data.

When Sentient performs analysis at its headquarters, it only stores de-identified data.


Should it be unclear of what data the company can share with third parties or the public, Sentient contacts data owners to clarify what are the company’s rights in sharing the data.


Privacy by design

In Sentient solutions, the company only stores absolutely necessary data and makes sure that only the parties with rights to the data can view and edit. Sentient solutions are often installed on-site and adhere to privacy-by-design protocols.


As an example, DataDetective, Sentient’s solution for data-mining, is used by the Dutch Police Authorities. Given the sensitive nature of the data, Sentient stores no data, Data-Detective runs on the police servers and any data processing is done at Police Headquarters.




Do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer.



© 2025 by Sentient Information Systems B.V.

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